Friday, March 4, 2011

Women'svagaina Images

In previous party, sorry, the previous class had been a few that I recall ravioli had been cut with cookie cutter then were round, large, many were not needed to be filled.

I go with the intention of preparing and getting to the kitchen comes to my mind this view ... "A room, a few tables, soft lighting, glitter and candles, peace in the environment given by the piano music. Confome I enter, I see divisions carved in wood and I am getting closer to a table. Dark wooden chairs and a tablecloth, ivory, and there I see a white plate, big, beautiful, deep ... with a red sauce, and a tortellini overlapping ", the most striking is that the sauce was red, as well as blood.

Then it occurs to me I make them so. And I looked for the ingredients to try to emulate this sauce was in my mind. I knew it would be a strong flavored sauce, but soft texture ... and blood red.

cheese and mushroom ravioli in tomato sauce wine

Ravioli Recipe


Ingredients 1 cup chopped mushrooms
1 cup ricotta cheese 1 tbsp

herbs Salt and pepper Preparation

in a bowl mix all ingredients and fill the pasta. Cook pasta for 7 minutes in salted water.

wine tomato sauce

Ingredients for 5 people

1 cup chopped tomato
4 cloves garlic, minced 1 red onion
finely chopped 1 tablespoon rosemary and oregano
170 g of tomato paste (small can) dissolved in the same bucket of water 150ml of wine
¼ cup chopped olives 1 tbsp
brown sugar Salt and pepper Olive oil


Heat oil and saute in it, garlic, onion and a tablespoon of herbs. When the onion crystallize, incorporating the tomato until it begins to fall apart, add the pasta and other ingredients. Rectify flavors and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes.

Grate a little Parmesan cheese over them and garnish with a few triangles of toasted bread with olive oil.


  • can reduce the amount of wine to make it a lighter flavor sauce (I loved the strong taste).
  • These ravioli the closed as Chinese dumplings (another form of submission.
  • sauce can be left overnight and the flavors are much greater.

Now if, pull out the cloth, open the bottle of wine this is to be enjoyed slowly and deliciously.

laif Pura - JP


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