Thursday, April 16, 2009

Will Quadriderm Help For Ringworm

Hi This entry is dedicated to Mina, who asked me the recipe for a homemade mask that was moisturizing.
This mix I've tried and loved me as I leave my face after applying. Pra it will need the following ingredients: avocado (avocado), banana (banana) and some drops of olive oil. The amount of these depends on the body part where you're going to apply!
First you peel the banana (banana) and stepped right, then from the medium avocado (avocado), remove the bone and remove the pulp and mix well, so it is a mask nice and smooth, creamy and without lumps. If it were necessary, add a few drops of olive oil to desired consistency. Then applied to the skin and leave on for 20 minutes. After this long to remove all with cold water.

And now to enjoy a soft, fresh and hydrated! Until next time! Bss ... =)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Softwell Maker Dongle Emulator

Homemade Hydration Moisturizing Mask: Skin without Sed

moisturized from the inside by drinking two liters of water a day, and out, with appropriate creams will prevent dry skin.

Over the years the skin becomes dehydrated and becomes more strained. And the environment increasingly aggressive (pollution, harmful sun rays), makes our face asking for more hydration.
The skin hydration revolves around water. The skin contains about 70% water, a proportion that decreases in the elderly up to 60%. The deepest layer of skin is rich in water, but the horny layer contains no more than 15%. in the epidermis, the water travels to meet the needs of the cells, and this process is called skin hydration. When it comes to the surface, the water begins to evaporate as the state of the horny layer and the climate that surrounds you. so in a temperate climate we lose about 350 ml of water every 24 hours, an amount that increases in cities with higher humidity.
A dehydrated skin is one that lacks shine, is harsh, prone to cracking and flaking and sometimes easily irritated. No matter what skin type: dry, oily or combination, all of which may suffer dehydration one day or another for various reasons.
  • Moisturizers should be used morning and night, daily cleaning desu.
  • hyaluronic acid and lactic acid have the property to retain and fix the water in the skin, acting as a true "trap" of water.
  • Pro-vitamin B5, with healing properties, sets the water dramatically. Its moisturizing power is immediate.
  • Vitamin E + F get recinstituir the barrier of the stratum corneum. A lack of vitamin F causes a deterioration of the skin and vitamin E is known for its virtues anti free radicals.

I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for visiting! That passes a Happy Easter! Bss ..


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Bulma Dragonball Doujinshi

What are they?

is a group of vitamins, minerals, dyes, vegetables and other plant compounds and enzymes that block the detrimental effect of the so-called free radicals. Most of the antioxidants found in foods vegetables, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Substances that contain:
  • Vitamin C Vitamin E (wheat germ, vegetable oils, nuts and green leafy vegetables)
  • Beta-carotene or pro-vitamin A (green vegetables and red carrots, pumpkin, melon, cherries, etc.).
  • Selenium (meat, fish, shellfish, eggs, cereals, fruits and vegetables)
  • Zinc (meat and visors, eggs, fish, whole grains, legumes)
  • Copper ( meat, fish, seafood, whole grains, liver and green vegetables)
  • Cysteine \u200b\u200b(meat, fish, dairy, whole grains)
  • Flavonoids (cabbage, leafy greens, red and purple fruits and citrus)
  • isoflavones (in soy and some of its derivatives like tofu.)

If your daily diet consume much of these products you'll find protected from free radicals, which aid the aging process of cells to slow down and thus your quality of life improves markedly ... If these products are not part of your life never too late to incorporate them =) you have to do little, one at a time .. Start with the simple act of adding a daily citrus (vitamin C, beta carotene, flavonoids), if repeated this simple act every day will become a new habit in your diet ... Change the way you feed it takes time but not impossible ...

Until next post! Thanks x your visit! Bss!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Spy In A Speed Boat Is

Antioxidant Lip Awards

Hi Q such! Well this post as the title suggests this is q prizes awarded this week I have two friends whom bloggers because I love your blogs .. m Ally and Mina thank you very much for this present, I appreciate ..

This award grant me Ally

OK, make the logo is visible and respected
rules Make a link to the blog that you have been awarded. Reward
15 blogs and tell them.

I give this award to

  1. Mina

  2. Glitter

  3. Noor

  4. Kinh

  5. Maria Lola
  6. White

  7. Calypso

  8. Evichu ^ _ ^ ^ _ ^

  9. Noara

  10. Millie Make Up

  11. Lore


  13. Karenina

  14. Franci

  15. Paula R.

  16. Flowerbomb Cat

The second award comes from Mina

This also give all the girls previously nominated and everyone who wants it! Thanks for reading .. Bss ... =)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Romantic Phrases To Say In Hebrew

Like the skin of the face, eyes or any part of our body, lips must be cared for in great detail and dedication.

  • First, masejeĆ” with a generous dose of balsam. Its conditioning agents to restore any damage. for you "pampering" for about 30 seconds or more. This helps stimulate blood vessels and makes them more fruesos.

  • Then gently runs a dry toothbrush to remove dead cells. You can also polish them with a pinch of sugar. It melts on contact and is recommended for even the most delicate skin.

  • Finish drying with
  • a tissue to absorb any residue. If still dry sentis or parties, apply a few drops of a moisturizer. Can be All About Lips Clinique

Very easy dry for not having protective cells, the tissue was cracked with the friction of the wind, or factors outside as the sun and sand. So much so that the lips do not produce the phenomenon of "bronzing" but burn directly to sun exposure.

Thanks for visiting! I hope these tips serve you .. Until next time! Bss