I go with the intention of preparing and getting to the kitchen comes to my mind this view ... "A room, a few tables, soft lighting, glitter and candles, peace in the environment given by the piano music. Confome I enter, I see divisions carved in wood and I am getting closer to a table. Dark wooden chairs and a tablecloth, ivory, and there I see a white plate, big, beautiful, deep ... with a red sauce, and a tortellini overlapping ", the most striking is that the sauce was red, as well as blood.
Then it occurs to me I make them so. And I looked for the ingredients to try to emulate this sauce was in my mind. I knew it would be a strong flavored sauce, but soft texture ... and blood red.
cheese and mushroom ravioli in tomato sauce wine
Ingredients 1 cup chopped mushrooms
1 cup ricotta cheese 1 tbsp
herbs Salt and pepper Preparation
in a bowl mix all ingredients and fill the pasta. Cook pasta for 7 minutes in salted water.
wine tomato sauce
Ingredients for 5 people
1 cup chopped tomato
4 cloves garlic, minced 1 red onion
finely chopped 1 tablespoon rosemary and oregano
170 g of tomato paste (small can) dissolved in the same bucket of water 150ml of wine
¼ cup chopped olives 1 tbsp
brown sugar Salt and pepper Olive oil
- can reduce the amount of wine to make it a lighter flavor sauce (I loved the strong taste).
- These ravioli the closed as Chinese dumplings (another form of submission.
- sauce can be left overnight and the flavors are much greater.
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