tensions affecting usually leave the back of the shoulders. It is therefore important to know how to eliminate them. To do this, put yourself standing with your back straight and arms relaxed. Raise then the shoulders, as high as you can, like a turtle buries its head in its shell.
In this position, breathe in deeply, then exhaled by the mouth, relaxing your shoulders at the same time. Return to beginning this exercise 8 to 10 times. Another exercise is to do shoulder rotations. For that, bending your elbows and put the tip of the fingers on his shoulders.
Girard after the men slowly from front to back, and then in the other direction. Likewise, you can do rotations with the shoulders, arms relaxed. Other exercises and postures can help you to relax your back muscles and shoulders.
For example, remember to push the shoulders down and back, or just sit right, with the kidneys, flat on the back of the chair.
strengthen and relax the lumbar back
Start by Stretch on the back, on the ground. The arms are spread throughout the body, and legs bent closed. Once in position, breathe in deeply through your nose and out taking off the pelvis soil and buttocks. Collapse
tight muscles of the buttocks, lower back without raising soil. Lower your pelvis back, without touching the floor with your buttocks while you breathe in, then return to make the move. Do this exercise in 6 sets of 20 with one minute rest between each.
Then you can perform a second exercise, putting on all fours, knees and palms of her hands on her soil. Two movements can be executed: first forming a hole in your back, buttocks pulling out, but without forcing many. Keep the position for 10 seconds. After the back arched, imitating a cat, while meteis belly inward. Relaxed ten seconds. This exercise should be repeated between 5 and 10 times.
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