stretch before physical activity
These stretches are within what is warming and here's what it is to gain flexibility, but to awaken the muscle and increase its temperature by pulling gently and gradually, avoiding at all times exercise intense. Here stretches will be more passive than anything else, that is, taking advantage of gravity to pull our own weight and without forcing at any time. In
warming include stretching the major muscle groups, not forgetting the upper body as usual, as the area of \u200b\u200bthe back and shoulder girdle is also important to stretch. The exercises last for 7-10 seconds and there is often series, ie do not repeat the same exercise in muscle, unless you're particularly interested in heat over the area or muscle.
are usually do this kind of stretching to warm up after activation vegetatively by a global exercise involving much of the musculature career, elliptical, cycling or similar. In this way we ensure that the muscle is already reaching a certain temperature, increased blood flow into them and there are lower viscosity, so that stretching will not be counterproductive and minimizes the risk of injury.
stretches during activity
Once the muscle is already warmed up and we're in labor can also take advantage of stoppages or pauses the training to do flexibility exercises. Here you also have to be careful how we do the exercises, because if the breaks are after intense exercise should not strain even more muscle.
In these pauses is advisable to do dynamic stretches, in which use of the movement of the joints to gently stretching the muscle. Although this type of exercise is not to gain flexibility if you get breaks that among the Muslims are not shortened by the repeated stress caused in the training.
Stretching after exercise
sometimes tend to do a mini-session of stretching after the workout, something you have to be careful because if the muscle is very exhausted all we can get it and rip it nothing to gain flexibility. After Training can raise exercises for the major muscles worked and to facilitate blood flow clean muscle.
As in the heating, the cool-down exercise is conducive to liabilities that are not forced to stretch the muscle and where the only objective is to reduce muscle tension and return to the initial state. Stretching after a workout also serves as a period of reflection and relaxation, with predominantly slow movements and unforced.
If no training was very intense if we take the last part of the session to do exercises that develop flexibility. Here we have the option to make static passive or assisted exercises, including more than one set per exercise and stretching time extended to 20-25 seconds. Session
stretching to increase flexibility
Undoubtedly the best way to gain flexibility is to book a time of day to stretch more analytical and intense. In this case, the session begins with passive exercises and proceed to more demanding exercises such as assets, in which we help in material or forcing a partner to muscle stretching. Here
already requires the use of sets of 3-5 reps per exercise and stretching will last 20-30 seconds, provided making a gradual and controlled, involving breathing and seeking a quiet and relaxing (the music can help in these cases).
more advanced methods such as PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation), may be a good option as an alternative to conventional work flexibility and to give an advance in quality and intensity to our stretching. PNF basic way is to stretch the muscle in question, then make an isometric contraction of the muscle 5-10 seconds followed by a stretch again but this time actively assisted by a teammate.
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