On countless occasions we have seen many people who want to diet and that neglect bread or just eat the crust of the same considering it with less calories than the rest. The crumb is left out, and thrown away, something that responds to a widespread belief that has been passed by word of mouth, and even today many people are still practicing. This is a mistake and we want to show why.
apostille on this belief we think the key is in the water, an essential ingredient of bread, which is present throughout the bar, but differently in each of the areas that comprise it. In the cortex the concentration of water is lower, since being the most exposed to heat is where it is evaporated and concentrated a greater amount of nutrients, while the crumb, having less contact with the heat, the water concentration is higher, making the nutrients are much more scattered. This fact shows that the bread crumb, contrary to popular belief, it contains fewer calories than the cortex to include more water. This high water content makes the crumb is the most satiating of bread, so we reduce their consumption faster preventing hunger to consume more food.
Another myth is widespread that the bread has less calories. This is a mistake, as the raw material of both types of bread flour, so the calories we provide both types of bread are about the same. The only difference is that stress is that the bread is high in fiber contributes to help us keep our body in perfect conditions, and provide carbohydrate assimilation slower than our body uses slowly. But if we make sport of calories we provide can be just as bad for weight maintenance that makes us normal white bread.
is important that when choosing the bread for food energy we put aside the myths that hover around him and consume the recommended amount for the type of life we \u200b\u200blead and the results we want to accomplish.
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