Since the iliotibial band favors stabilization knee and leg assists in movements of abduction, internal rotation of the hip, knee extension and flexion of the same, the iliotibial band syndrome is a common injury in runners.
Causes and Risk Factors During the race
friction that can lead to inflammation of the iliotibial band occurs when the knee is flexed at 30 degrees or less, just after the foot strikes the surface. Therefore, the downhill run slower or may exacerbate this syndrome because the knee tends to flex less.
can also be a risk factor for suffering the iliotibial band syndrome running on hard surfaces and / or inclined, or have no appropriate shoes for the type of tread or sport.
other hand, people who have the legs and feet asymmetrical, increased foot pronation or bowed legs are more prone to this type of injury, and is also more common if one has weakness in the abductors hip such as the gluteus medius, because it overloads the tensor fascia lata and iliotibial band.

iliotibial band syndrome is characterized by pain or burning sensation on the outside of the knee during activity, or can be submitted through the pain in the outer thigh.
At first the pain may disappear when you stop running and eventually, the symptoms may persist even at rest and worsen if there is hilly terrain or up and down stairs.
Treatment of iliotibial band syndrome
As expected in an overuse injury it is best to rest, apply ice to relieve swelling and pain and in a timely manner as directed by a professional should perform stretching exercises to relax the affected area and it is also advisable to strengthen quadriceps. Once again
prevent rather than cure and it there is nothing better than to vary the workout, not always run on hills and in mountainous terrain, avoid muscle imbalances, proper footwear and solve problems in the foot or leg which footing and alter the mechanics of movement.
Always remember to stretch and meet the technical footwear as well as the career that you have to prevent this and other common injuries that can be easily avoided.
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