These exercises will be trained three times a week, trying to rest a day between each workout and two days after completing a week of training. The author recommends this train Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but individual choice. Many believe this is excessive for any person, but that will not overtrain the person to continue with this system, but here is where Korte says they are wrong, because many of the great Olympic lifters squat usually include 5 or 6 times a week, obtaining great results and improvements in their marks.
Before, the author proposes that we test our 1RM (1 repetition maximum) in each of the exercises. He proposes to use a few days to find this 1RM before starting the routine. We may also use previous marks, adding to the 25 lbs (11 kilos and a half) needed to project our best estimate. This will calculate the approximate maximum percentages necessary to perform the routine.
The 3 × 3 system consists of 2 phases Korte 8 weeks in total. The first phase of 4 weeks is the high-volume, which will be completed in 5 to 8 sets of 5 reps for Deadlift and Squat, and 6 to 8 sets of 5 reps for bench press. Monday
* Squats 5-8 x 5
* Bench Press *
6-8 × 5 × 5 Deadlift 5-8 Wednesday
* Squats 5-8 x 5
* Bench Press 6-8
* × 5 × 5 Deadlift 5-8 Friday
* Squats 5-8 x 5
* Bench Press *
6-8 × 5 × 5 Deadlift 5-8
This phase, weights ranging between 58 and 64% of our projected 1RM. The scheme would be similar to the following schedule: Week 1
* Day 1: 5-8 sets of 5 with 58-64% 1RM
* Day 2: 5-8 sets of 5 with 58-64% of 1RM
* Day 3: 5-8 sets of 5 with 58-64% of 1RM Week 2
* Day 1: 5-8 sets of 5 to 64% of 1RM
* Day 2: 5-8 series of 5 to 64% of 1RM
* Day 3: 5-8 sets of 5 to 60% of 1RM Week 3
* Day 1: 5-8 sets of 5 to 62% of 1RM
* Day 2: 5-8 sets of 5 to 62% of 1RM
* Day 3: 5-8 series of 5 to 62% of 1RM Week 4
* Day 1: 5-8 sets of 5 to 64% of 1RM
* Day 2: 5-8 sets of 5 to 64% of 1RM
* Day 3: 5-8 sets of 5 to 64% of 1RM
The scheme complies with each of the 3 basic. Only be modified in 6 repetitions for bench press. This is the high volume which would fine-tune the technique of each exercise and build muscle. At this stage NO support team will be used, except belt.
Phase 2 of this program is the hardest of all because it would train the basics to 60-95% of 1RM 3 times a week. The following are schemes training routine. Monday
* Squat 3 × 3
* Press Seat 5 × 4
* Deadlift 1-2 × 1
* Squat 3 × 3
* Press Banca 1-2 × 1
* Deadlift 3 × 3
* Squats 1-2 x 1
* Press Seat 5 × 4
* Deadlift 3 × 3
At this stage 1-2 sets of 1 repetition should take place with 80-95% of 1RM , with 3 sets of 3 reps or series of banking with a constant 60-65% 1RM for the next 4 weeks.
recommended for 1 repetition rates up to 5% per week to the extent as possible, without neglecting clear this technique and with a spotter (someone who will monitor and support while you exercise) you know what does. At this stage we recommend using any type of computer support, such as bandages, belt, Graps, bench press shirt, etc, etc.
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