are many who believe that before work is the best, others think that after, and there are many who carry out your abs the rest in between exercises. It is true that all forms are working as long as the abdomen perform exercises properly, but it is also true that at certain times the performance and impact of these will be much better. Therefore we will see the right time for abs.
First of all we must remember that abdominal work is stressful in the middle of the body, the muscles of this part are subject throughout the entire duration of the abdominal exercise. This causes abdominal suffer wear in many cases means it then not be able to perform in the same way in all other exercises that we perform. Therefore train your abs at the end of the training is a good way to not degrade performance in other exercises, especially in those involving the abdominal when carrying them out.
For people who prefer the abs before the rest of the board exercise training is important to bear in mind some points, and it is certain that this moment is the most energy we have and we can pay more When working the abdomen, not the same thing happen to work the muscle group that day we will be playing as part of the accumulated energy we will have consumed the abdominal work. Furthermore, this body part will not render the same way if you happen to intervene in some of the exercises that we will carry out routine. Instead
others prefer to work your abs the rest in between exercises that will take place in the training routine, that is, while you rest between sets or exercises they do is work the abdominals. This option is the least successful, and continuity is needed when working any muscle group, then you lose the tension accumulated throughout the year and thus the effects of lower routine. In addition to not only affect the abdomen, but also the muscle group worked, because we will not focus on it as it deserves either in its development.
It is therefore important that we take the best time to work the abs, but as always much to do the preferences of each and the results you want to achieve. Of course, we must always be aware that on the same day is not recommended much force a muscle group, because we can exceed their limits and reach a high wear it.
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