scientific experiment
The researchers determined the strength of 30 athletes beginners and volunteers who came 30 athletes training regularly for 6 months only managing to do 10 reps of squats and leg press.
* The athletes used a leg press on with the weight forward at an angle of 45 °, and determined that the formula is not linked to other types of leg press machines.
* As expected, advanced athletes were slightly stronger than the beginners.
The researchers used statistics to obtain a formula based on their data, which represents the ratio between the amount of kg with which an athlete can do 10 repetitions of each exercise.
* Equation Beginner: squat weight (kg) = Weight in press (kg) * 0.21 + 36. * Equation for Advanced
: weight squats (kg) = Weight in press (kg) * 0.31 + 19.
If you are a beginner
* For 200 kg leg press will have only 78 kg squat .. in the relationship.
If you are an advanced
* For 200 kg leg press will have only 81 kg squat .. in the relationship.
several trials were completed in time to do squat is 100 kg heavier than make 200 kg leg press.
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