This may be due to several factors:
1. Overtraining.
2. Inadequate nutrition.
3. Shoddy exercise techniques.
4. Bad genetics.
below detail each step of the 4 factors:
1. Overtraining:
is one of the most common causes from growing to the biceps and triceps. Both are small muscle groups and if you overtrain not have time to recover. Remember that muscle after an intense training session is a recovery phase and a later phase of growth, ie the increase in muscle volume occurs during the break.
routines often follow a sequence of training to do chest first and then triceps, which is logical because when training chest and triceps are working well, and then train specifically. The same goes for back training the biceps followed. This works well, but not go overboard with the series. If you did a lot of back series (eg 15 series) and then do 10 or 12 sets of biceps, these 10 or 12 series must be added the 15 that we first give a total of 25 to 27 sets for biceps, which is overtraining. The same goes for the series followed by chest triceps. In these cases, the biceps and triceps not recover and therefore do not grow.
2. Poor feeding:
Very often not increase muscle volume is given by a poor diet, usually with an insufficient amount of calories and protein content. This means that not only grow arms, but all muscle groups.
3. Shoddy exercise techniques:
very often is seen in countless gyms that people work the biceps and triceps a technical error. Make the most of the effort by using other muscle groups than those biceps and triceps. For example, to do standing barbell curls, body sway, bounce, momentum helps the shoulders, etc. making the effort is diluted and biceps do not work properly.
is convenient to work with a strict technique, being able to "cheat" in the last 2 or 3 repetitions of each series to finish require the muscle. It is convenient to the negative movement of repetition slowly, as this intensifies the need to muscle. Should be set aside ego and not using heavy weights, we use the weight that allows us to make a good technique.
4. Bad genetics:
is the most difficult to fix, but at an appropriate frequency of training, a good workout doing the exercises with proper technique, good nutrition and supplementation, adequate rest, and the use of any anabolic product, you can achieve good results.