Sunday, June 21, 2009

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before bedtime is very important to remove any remaining makeup of the face to prevent clogged pores of the skin.
  • The skin needs to breathe and fresh air, so it must be completely free of pores secretion fat, sweat and dirt.
  • The desmaquillado to be done every night before bed, it is essential to ensure the skin balance.
  • With the right products can make a deep cleansing of your skin.

  1. Prepare the face: is very important to remove the hair from the face so as not to prevent the product easy to apply makeup remover. Then be applied in moderation and uniformly on the forehead, nose, chin, cheeks, cheeks and neck.
  2. Clean: Once widespread cleanser on the skin surface of the face and neck, it's good to make a slow, deep massage in a circular motion, pressing lightly with fingertips. For your specific caracterísitcas, eyes and lips deserve special treatment when removing makeup.
  3. The importance of the T-zone: Call T the face area, which includes the forehead, nose and chin, also merits separate attention because it boasts a greater number of sebaceous glands and therefore secretes more fat. This behavior totally netural skin, seagudiza in cases of oily skin, young or prone to acne. It is therefore necessary to address this area with particular attention rostor, ie, you may need more product cantiadad remover and / or increased frequency of application. Do not be lazy to do it because the results are reassuring.
  4. Remove dirt: best to remove the cleansing milk is to use a facial sponge previously soaked in warm water or tonic. Unlike the texture of milk, cleansing gel is applied to the skin previously moistened. Like milk, the gel should be applied with a light massage, but he retains plenty warm water so it brings freshness. Operation should be repeated until a total cleaning.
  5. Tone: desmaquillado The penultimate step is Palic on the entire skin of the face and neck. Carefully pour the liquid tonic on a cotton (pre-soaked) or a tissue and gently press it around the area to be treated. Remember that the mission of the tonic is to close the pores, stimulate the skin, good color and awaken your predispose to receive adequate treatment creams that are applied later. So you have to choose the tonic type of skin, thereby maintaining the hydro-lipid balance. This expression is valid for any type of skin cleansing, whether performed with gel, cleansing milk or dermatological soap.
  6. Dry: Once extended the tonic, skin is dried with a towel. Performing a soft touch to absorb moisture well. After this process of removing make no doubt you will notice that your skin is more luminous than before.
Thanks for visiting! Until next time! Bss


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