It's a break ... fast! Travel
were 6:40 am and while watching TV, check emails and Facebook vineaba a while before getting ready to start making things a day, it begins to give me a bit hungry.
Those who know me know I am not eating breakfast, oh yeah, here I hear, "but that's bad," "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" and all his rant, but I'm sure if you're reading this, inside you know that "puchica, it is true, one and gives no time for breakfast, just in case one or two who works in a global company will be thinking" well, I've just uploaded the dining room but the paint was bad, "but a larger group will be with this in mind" the truth that only I could drink coffee and I'm fed up this apple ... jueputa apple ugly. "
And yes, breakfast is the most important meal if desayunáramos would like to be thinner, our metabolism would get to work early, do not force it to store fat in case no enter more food during the day. But hey, we live well and ready, we must try to live the best way to exercise or take the pills for triglycerides and the odd case, the morning after pill or xenical (that Yes, please have an adult diaper in case ...).
Well, I told them, were hungry and wanted a desayunito varied "coffee inside" not painting, not bread. And this was what I had breakfast. The first thing I did not technically be done, but what do I care (you would like to wash 10 dishes starting the day? Not me) is to use a single pan and then I made everything. Quick Breakfast
Ingredients 1 egg 1 tomato
1 flour tortilla 1 teaspoon of dulce de leche
1 pinch oregano 1 tbsp parmesan cheese Salt and pepper
Preparation Heat a skillet over medium heat with the fat substitute spray. Cut the tomato in half, season with salt, pepper and oregano. Place them with the inside up. Grease
metal cookie cutter and carefully place the egg, salt and pepper.
Fill flour tortillas in half and close like a handkerchief.
Cook for 3 minutes, turn the tomatoes and tortilla, remove the metal rim of the egg, cover the pan and cook for 3 minutes. To assemble the dish place the tomatoes with the pulp back up and add Parmesan cheese.
A quick breakfast, light and rich, was to see that cute little round egg! Pure
laif - JP
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