gifts, yes, I love them, at any time, the improvised, the usual (birthdays and Christmas), the intended, non-thought all, either.
There are no rules in this matter of what people want to give me, because I always like everything is ... is as nice to receive something that perhaps had not thought of buying, or something that wanted to buy but I forgot because at that time there was no "monitor."
The only rule is "the gift is properly wrapped." There is nothing more horrible than a gift stuck with "teip maskin, a crumpled slip of paper or that they give you now and you put them in bags. The bag must be well groomed, but is polĂsimo. Failing that, if they do so, I prefer pelaos gifts as well! Without any paper.
Well, in this gift, one always relate to what works, and then give me cookbooks, utensils, etc. And I love them!
JP, a friend I told you, delicious cuisine, I gave these pears in syrup, a saborsh. Don Luis, a blogger friend, gave me a super book to rescue indigenous recipes and so forth ... Photic Here!
aaaaaah and also gave me the win, put some Photos of Tia Florita gave me (you have to crack at times) and a book that I won the International Library! And another one that my father gave me. Sharing with you
kitchen things. Pure
laif - JP
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