If you want to be light, you have to give much importance to your diet as the maquilllaje. These four meals are almost a beauty salon edible. But with more durable results.
- Soft Skin: Full of vitamin A, sweet potatoes act as a kind of spa magic that makes your piekl is smooth, healthy and clean. Try to include them in your meals at least 2 times a week.
- Perfect Smile: Eating one or two slices of hard cheese (cheddar, Swiss or become grating) may be the latest way to prevent oral problems, and that seems to block the bacteria that acid produced destroyer of teeth. They also provide high levels of minerals that strengthen tooth enamel, as calcium and phosphorus.
- unbreakable Nails: The grooves and pits on the nails may be a symptom of deficiency of minerals. Eating some Japanese vegetables intensively nourishing as dulse, nori, kombu, agar agar (can be purchased at specialty shops or duitéticas) not only removes the stains, it also strengthens brittle nails.
- No Granites: Wheat germ is rich in zinc, helps to eliminate acne. And do not be misled by what everyone thinks, "If the wheat germ is healthy, it surely is a mess." Mix a tablespoon in your yogurt or sprinkle on salads.
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