breakfast affects physical performance, psychological, intellectual, health, weight and mood at any age. The fuel of the brain and muscles is glucose, and these systems operate from receiving it in sufficient quantities. Breakfast is the agency that supplies the energy necessary after an overnight fast, through traditional and healthy foods like sugar, bread, cereals, fruits, juices, skim milk, dried fruits and seeds, which provide vitamins and minerals, complete protein and carbohydrates simple and complex.
For me, breakfast is the meal of day I like (besides being the most important), I always take my time to eat with confidence, because I love. It generally consists of tea with skim milk, white bread with low fat cheese, and flax seed, also split the breakfast floor 2 in the morning and leave the fruit to eat a 1 / 2 tomorrow. This is my breakfast every day, on weekends when I have more time I like to combine different foods and make them more prepared. Here are some ideas:
- Rich in Fiber: skim milk and 2 teaspoons brown sugar, 2 slices of bread with a spoonful of cottage cheese and toasted sesame seeds, an orange segments. The same provides 330 calories, vitamin A, D, C, fiber and calcium.
- Mediterranean: A cup of skim milk and 2 tablespoons brown sugar, 2 slices of bread, a spoonful of cottage cheese, a dollop of tomato jam and fruit salad with walnuts. The same provides 447 kilocalories, high biological value protein, vitamins A, D, C, calcium, iron, fiber and essential fatty acids.
- Spring: A natural cup nonfat yogurt with strawberries (strawberries), nonfat yogurt, a cup of cereal flakes, a tablespoon of sugar, one cup of green tea. The same provides 304 kilocalories, proteins of high biological value, vitamins A, D, C, iron, calcium and antioxidants.

Source: BS in Nutrition Marijo Torres
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