Eye and Lip Liner
Action: To sharpen the edges of the mouth orasgar the shape of the eyes.
Expiration: 6 months
Care: In both cases, special sharpener should be used for this type of pencil (sold at any perfume), and keep them covered to prevent the tip from drying out.
As Lingering: To provide an eyeliner pencil line should be uniform wetting tip. In this way not only avoid having to resort to pencil sharpeners for each use, but also the finish will look better.
Action: Adds body and arch thickened eyelashes.
Shelf life: 3 to 4 months
Care: Before placing the applicator of the mask on the tab should be cleaned with a tissue paper to remove excess, and prevent them from depositing on the eyelashes.
to prolong its use: apply few drops of almond oil will double its performance.
Action : Provides color and protects the lining of the lips from external aggressions.
Expiry: 1 to 2 years
Care: To prevent the bar is split lip should be kept away from hot areas or windows where the sun can get to melt.
to prolong its use: One of the best ways to do perform better is to use a brush to apply it. Thus, not only can take the lipstick to the last stages but will be distributed better over the mouth.
Action: Bring color and sharpens the face.
Shelf life: 2 to 3 years
Care: should be kept separate in transparent plastic bags. That way it prevents cracking or split with friction.
to prolong its use: You must be careful not to apply to the entire face, but on strategic points such as cheeks, forehead, chin and both sides of the nose.
Action: makeup tools that help get a better effect and
more natural Expiry: 1 to 2 years
Care: The best way to keep them in good condition is washing monthly. The most effective way is to do it with baby shampoo or soap.
to prolong its use: quality brushes should choose how to know? If you are soft to the touch and if the hairs did not come easily.

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