The biocosméticos are made with natural products that were grown organically, that is, in its development only use raw materials from crops free of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers, and is ruled out the use of any plant subjected to genetic modification. Another thing you have in mind is that none of these products fu and tested on animals, in line with the ideas of questioning the abuse they are subjected in the laboratory. But this does not mean that the products are not tested. Quite the contrary, told her that let you check the quality of the products are more expensive because they require a very stringent analysis. The idea is not to pass on that cost the lives of animals, but if it improves r quality controls. biocide products are mimetic compounds as a percentage above 90% for raw materials of vegetable or mineral, never animal. Since no oil used for its elaboration, the products are much less aggressive to the skin. Herbal substances and cultured free of harmful chemicals used in the biocosmé stimulate policy skin's natural ability to recover. The concept of biocosmética is almost the opposite of traditional cosmetics. While so far working on the idea of \u200b\u200bcovering imperfections, not only beautifies but biocosmética stimulating the skin to be healthier. This is achieved by avoiding any attack on the fragile balance of the epidermis. Far from trtatarse a boycott of traditional cosmetics, this concept can work as a new economic engine to enhance sustainable agriculture to organic and fair trade with countries producing certain Planat. To make this a reality and not a trend that becomes fashionable and lost in three years, consumer sentiment appears to be the most potent weapon of change you. Because this requirement is also a possibility of economic empowerment in the areas of the planet are at worst. But in terms of consumer information, it is absolutely necessary to have er mind that we can not demand as well as white bread, you can not expect the same presentation, texture, color and odor in natural cosmetics cosmetics c onvencional. First, it should be required that is at least biodegradable packaging that is, that is not composed of a film of nylon or cellophane. Taking natural cosmetics is, somehow, to accept the changes that occur in the raw material that composes it are always varying composition , texture, color, etc. The same applies to the conservation, ie the life of the cream, lotion or soap, a product preserved with harsh chemicals is more stable, of course. But e imbalance is moved both the environment and also the skin that receives it. A cosmetic substances preserved much sua natural look and probably forced to be more attentive to their expiration date or replace it more often. In any case, this part of the change in the definition of consumption that is spoken when talking about responsible consumption. It is time we begin to become aware of adverse impacts to the environment caused by human action, and that small changes like this ca so to change the way productions s beauty products can contribute in some m ay to protecting the planet.
hope you enjoyed it .. Until next time! Thanks for visiting! Bss ☻

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