Saturday, June 27, 2009

Russian To English Patch Mw2

Cleansing Are you exaggerating your beauty routine? MEME

Hi I wanted to make this post to share with you this info of Cosmopolitan magazine that I found interesting, talks about the excessive care that may end up damaging the skin .. There are some tips.

"OFTEN DO I ..."
  1. wash my face? If your skin is dry, once a day, if oily, two.
  2. Use acne treatments? If you have salicylic acid, two or three times a day. But if it contains more powerful ingredients, you have to use it once to prevent skin from drying out.
  3. Become a facial mask? Ideally, apply a moisturizing mask once a week.
  4. Exfoliate body skin? Once a week is enough to remove dead cells without irritating your skin ..
I hope you have enjoyed this entry and that you consider these tips! Thanks for visiting! Until next time! Bss

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wrestling Shoes Dan Gable

Hi In this meme my friends bloggers nominated me Glitter and Mina, I always have in mind for these things (Thanks!!) And it was a long time .. Is to say 7 things about me and then nominate 7 people.

  1. I like to laugh a lot, I'm tempted every situation comedy. My laugh is so loud sometimes that my attention so. When I walk down the street I always remember a joke and start laughing and people q one walks by looking at me like saying "a laugh" or "this crazy laugh that" which makes me sad, but I can not help ... My laugh is very contagious ... Can not imagine a day without laughing .. It's part of my personality.
  2. I am very responsible and obsessive about my study, I present to yield a final exam but I know ALL the agenda of the matter ... I do not like falling behind with the delivery of practical work, reports, etc.
  3. I love learning languages, I like the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing able to communicate with others, learning their customs and lifestyles .. Currently studying Portuguese and English. But I also did courses in Italian, Valencia, sign language, French.
  4. I resent the discrimación of all kinds, can not conceive as in the XXI century there are still people with prejudice toward others, being that we are all people equally any situation makes you more valuable than another. When I see or hear any situation like this I get a rage ..
  5. At school my favorite subject was always the geography, so I never miss documentary where they show places, this is the cheapest way to travel that I have (lol). My favorite tv channel is the Discovery Travel & Living. I also use Google Earth. International channels provide lots of tourist information on their countries. You could say that my favorite book is the encyclopedic atlas hehe ..
  6. I have a weakness for pets, especially dogs, I love are so tender and great company ... I have 4, the youngest sleeps with me in bed in the winter is like sleeping with a stove, is so funny .... I'm a bad owner because it is too conscious that I can not help.
  7. prefer going out for drinks with my friends relaxed places where you can talk quietly, the crowding of people, the deafening music and lights that show very little of the discs. In that sense, I am rather tranqui ..
These are the 7 things about me, do not nominate anyone specifically because I think to some extent all have done, but if someone does not, I invite you to participate in this meme ..
Until next time! Thanks for reading! Bss

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Epsom Salt For Feet Sg Where To Buy

before bedtime is very important to remove any remaining makeup of the face to prevent clogged pores of the skin.
  • The skin needs to breathe and fresh air, so it must be completely free of pores secretion fat, sweat and dirt.
  • The desmaquillado to be done every night before bed, it is essential to ensure the skin balance.
  • With the right products can make a deep cleansing of your skin.

  1. Prepare the face: is very important to remove the hair from the face so as not to prevent the product easy to apply makeup remover. Then be applied in moderation and uniformly on the forehead, nose, chin, cheeks, cheeks and neck.
  2. Clean: Once widespread cleanser on the skin surface of the face and neck, it's good to make a slow, deep massage in a circular motion, pressing lightly with fingertips. For your specific caracterísitcas, eyes and lips deserve special treatment when removing makeup.
  3. The importance of the T-zone: Call T the face area, which includes the forehead, nose and chin, also merits separate attention because it boasts a greater number of sebaceous glands and therefore secretes more fat. This behavior totally netural skin, seagudiza in cases of oily skin, young or prone to acne. It is therefore necessary to address this area with particular attention rostor, ie, you may need more product cantiadad remover and / or increased frequency of application. Do not be lazy to do it because the results are reassuring.
  4. Remove dirt: best to remove the cleansing milk is to use a facial sponge previously soaked in warm water or tonic. Unlike the texture of milk, cleansing gel is applied to the skin previously moistened. Like milk, the gel should be applied with a light massage, but he retains plenty warm water so it brings freshness. Operation should be repeated until a total cleaning.
  5. Tone: desmaquillado The penultimate step is Palic on the entire skin of the face and neck. Carefully pour the liquid tonic on a cotton (pre-soaked) or a tissue and gently press it around the area to be treated. Remember that the mission of the tonic is to close the pores, stimulate the skin, good color and awaken your predispose to receive adequate treatment creams that are applied later. So you have to choose the tonic type of skin, thereby maintaining the hydro-lipid balance. This expression is valid for any type of skin cleansing, whether performed with gel, cleansing milk or dermatological soap.
  6. Dry: Once extended the tonic, skin is dried with a towel. Performing a soft touch to absorb moisture well. After this process of removing make no doubt you will notice that your skin is more luminous than before.
Thanks for visiting! Until next time! Bss

Friday, June 12, 2009

What Shutters Go With A Blue House

How makeup remover Product Guide - Part II

Eye and Lip Liner

Action: To sharpen the edges of the mouth orasgar the shape of the eyes.
Expiration: 6 months
Care: In both cases, special sharpener should be used for this type of pencil (sold at any perfume), and keep them covered to prevent the tip from drying out.
As Lingering: To provide an eyeliner pencil line should be uniform wetting tip. In this way not only avoid having to resort to pencil sharpeners for each use, but also the finish will look better.


Action: Adds body and arch thickened eyelashes.
Shelf life: 3 to 4 months
Care: Before placing the applicator of the mask on the tab should be cleaned with a tissue paper to remove excess, and prevent them from depositing on the eyelashes.
to prolong its use: apply few drops of almond oil will double its performance.


Action : Provides color and protects the lining of the lips from external aggressions.
Expiry: 1 to 2 years
Care: To prevent the bar is split lip should be kept away from hot areas or windows where the sun can get to melt.
to prolong its use: One of the best ways to do perform better is to use a brush to apply it. Thus, not only can take the lipstick to the last stages but will be distributed better over the mouth.


Action: Bring color and sharpens the face.
Shelf life: 2 to 3 years
Care: should be kept separate in transparent plastic bags. That way it prevents cracking or split with friction.
to prolong its use: You must be careful not to apply to the entire face, but on strategic points such as cheeks, forehead, chin and both sides of the nose.


Action: makeup tools that help get a better effect and
more natural
Expiry: 1 to 2 years
Care: The best way to keep them in good condition is washing monthly. The most effective way is to do it with baby shampoo or soap.
to prolong its use: quality brushes should choose how to know? If you are soft to the touch and if the hairs did not come easily.

to here today! Thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoyed it! Bss =)

Thanks PD
Glitter by awards and memes the answer as soon as you can ☺

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Uniforms For Sports Bars

Product Guide - Part I

This is the first section of a guide on everything you need to know to preserve and maintain the makeup kit. Care and the best ways to prolong their use.

Action: Moisturizes and prepares the skin before applying makeup so that it looks more fresh and natural.
Expiration: 1 year
Care: A good choice for avoid any damage is kept within the refrigerator, but once the cream was cooled can not stay out of it.
I extend its use: The most effective way is to not overwhelm the face with cream and apply it on three points: forehead, nose and chin distributed from there.

Action: Unify and corrects skin tone.
Expiration: 1 year
Care: should keep away from places with heating and windows where the sun will reach the front.
How Lingering: A good alternative for the foundation to give up, is mixed with a few drops of moisturizer. thus facilitating its implementation.


Action: helps mitigate any imperfections of the face: dark circles, spots or pimples.
Expiration: 1 year
Care: Like the base should keep away from very hot places such as stoves and heaters.
How Lingering: One of the best ways to save corrector is placed on the palm with a few drops of the same base used on the face.

Volatile Powder

Action: provides a matte finish and turn off the natural brightness of the face.
Shelf life: 2 years
Care: should not carry in your wallet, and instead distribute it in small paar compacts provide the necessary touch-ups throughout the day.
How Extending your Application: Mixing it with shame , extends the performance as well as being an ideal alternative for when summer arrives and the tone of its powder is very pale, contrasting with the tan acquired.


Action: Light colors help to brighten the eye, while agrndan eyes. The dark tones give depth to the look.
Shelf life: 3 years 1a
Care: is advisable not to carry powder shadows in the portfolio as the daily grind can get to break them. The cream shadows can not be near hot areas.
How Lingering: applying the shadow with a wet brush (caulquiera is its texture) help prolong their use and provide a more uniform effect.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Application For Disconnect Telephone Line


The biocosméticos are made with natural products that were grown organically, that is, in its development only use raw materials from crops free of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers, and is ruled out the use of any plant subjected to genetic modification. Another thing you have in mind is that none of these products fu and tested on animals, in line with the ideas of questioning the abuse they are subjected in the laboratory. But this does not mean that the products are not tested. Quite the contrary, told her that let you check the quality of the products are more expensive because they require a very stringent analysis. The idea is not to pass on that cost the lives of animals, but if it improves r quality controls. biocide products are mimetic compounds as a percentage above 90% for raw materials of vegetable or mineral, never animal. Since no oil used for its elaboration, the products are much less aggressive to the skin. Herbal substances and cultured free of harmful chemicals used in the biocosmé stimulate policy skin's natural ability to recover. The concept of biocosmética is almost the opposite of traditional cosmetics. While so far working on the idea of \u200b\u200bcovering imperfections, not only beautifies but biocosmética stimulating the skin to be healthier. This is achieved by avoiding any attack on the fragile balance of the epidermis. Far from trtatarse a boycott of traditional cosmetics, this concept can work as a new economic engine to enhance sustainable agriculture to organic and fair trade with countries producing certain Planat. To make this a reality and not a trend that becomes fashionable and lost in three years, consumer sentiment appears to be the most potent weapon of change you. Because this requirement is also a possibility of economic empowerment in the areas of the planet are at worst. But in terms of consumer information, it is absolutely necessary to have er mind that we can not demand as well as white bread, you can not expect the same presentation, texture, color and odor in natural cosmetics cosmetics c onvencional. First, it should be required that is at least biodegradable packaging that is, that is not composed of a film of nylon or cellophane. Taking natural cosmetics is, somehow, to accept the changes that occur in the raw material that composes it are always varying composition , texture, color, etc. The same applies to the conservation, ie the life of the cream, lotion or soap, a product preserved with harsh chemicals is more stable, of course. But e imbalance is moved both the environment and also the skin that receives it. A cosmetic substances preserved much sua natural look and probably forced to be more attentive to their expiration date or replace it more often. In any case, this part of the change in the definition of consumption that is spoken when talking about responsible consumption. It is time we begin to become aware of adverse impacts to the environment caused by human action, and that small changes like this ca so to change the way productions s beauty products can contribute in some m ay to protecting the planet.
hope you enjoyed it .. Until next time! Thanks for visiting! Bss ☻