With these beauty tips you will achieve optimum results in minutes! and 24 hours to be divine
1-Make up in a blink of an eye

resorted to make up monochrome with a single prodect: the gloss! With just a little color in your mouth, cheeks, and brightens eyelids. That if you apply mascara to give completion to the eye.
2-Brushing perfect
Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner to control frizz. Then slipped her hair with a towel and works along with a mousse or styling gel. That if you apply the product half do you use, 'cause the less product is applied, more dries fast.
Separate hair into two parts: the surface layer and below. With the hot air dryer removes all moisture from the hair that will be below (do not worry about shape because they are not going to see. If you take care of patterning the upper layer with a round brush. Spend more time the locks in front, which give context to the face. It ends with a cold blast of air to seal the hair cuticle.
Make hands at the salon and expect the dry nail polish you can take an hour. However, it can speed up the process in your home using a light shade poruqe to not need so many layers. If you choose color, choose a fast drying product. It is important that before applying the color retire over the brush in the mouth of the bottle so that the layer is not as thick.
4 - Reduce your acne overnight
Nothing will dawn without the mound on your forehead, but if there are techniques that help reduce inflammation of the overnight. Dip the end of a swab in warm water (not boiling) and supports three seconds on the tip of the granite. The heat opens the boil, allowing impurities to surface and that you apply topical ingredients then work better. The next step, before going to bed placed in a specific spot acne cream that helps dry granite. The next morning, apply a concealer that contains salicylic acid. Besides imperfeccción camouflage, cure acne and facilitates healing. The final touch, apply powder to remove shine.

5-Volume Express
To enhance the body need to give your hair texture. Ideally, seek to shape the day after washing it. Because the natural hair grease facilitates modeling. But if your hair is ultra-clean, just wet them with a volumizing product (such as Redken Full Frame 07) to loosen the roots. Then place the dryer on medium heat, throw the cebeza points down and the air directly to the ever. Expected to be dry and cool in that position.
6-deflation your eyes
Dip two tea bags in hot water and let cool. Supports over your eyes closed a few seconds. The components compress blood vessels and reduce swelling. Then apply a cream to eye area. Besides the caffeine tea bags reduce eye.
They learned of the contest organized Lululooks Lucia? Started this July 31, do not miss it very easy to participate and may win a case of makeup (shadows, lipsticks, blush, mascara, etc). We point? I already did =)
Thanks for visiting! Until next time! Bss ♥
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