Hi I finally decided to update after so many days of "vacation," the truth missed the blogger world. Today I want to hair types that exist, which are 4: normal, dry, oily and combination. Let's see how to get a good balance of attentive care. But before these important items to consider.
- The use a shampoo too strong or aggressive, and permanent dyes are factors that cause hair dryness.
- To take good care of hair is essential to know what kind it is and choose the shampoo or hair cosmetic appropriate.
- A good diet, avoid drinking too much alcohol and during the summer wear a protective hair is essential for healthy hair.

Even if you are lucky to have normal hair, do not forget to treat it care. Use a quality shampoo and a little fabric softener to keep it silky. Keep in mind that a poor rinsing can turn a dull and shiny hair off.
to avoid: The repeated use of shampoos and hair products too aggressive. While washing your hair, do not use very hot water, because the pores of the scalp is open too and this could promote hair loss. For the same reason, when seuqes, prevents abuse of excessively hot air dryer. Do not bring the device to tip. It is best that the iare seuqen free.
A Tip: Alternating least two types of shampoo for different properties. This will prevent the hair to get used to the same cleaning agents and the product loses its effectiveness. It is important to choose the hair products specifically for normal hair.
Trick: Make a mint infisión. After washing hair, dry it gently with a towel and then apply this tea with a dispenser, spraying on the scalp and ends. Let it stand 10 minutes. The gain in hair shine and vitality.
Dry Hair

A poruqe dry hair is the sebaceous gland not lubricated enough. The hair is dry, the scales are lifted and becomes dehydrated, losing flexibility and shine. Stimulates blood circulation by massaging the scalp daily. Wash your hair every two or three days at most with a neutral shampoo and do not have to save a good conditioner, for instance, without rinsing.
to avoid: Although seuqedad problem can be caused by a failure of the thyroid gland, in most cases is caused by hereditary factors, stress, inadequate use of shampoos, excessive heat dried and inadequate or permanent stains. Also the sun, wind, sea, chlorine water pollution as causes for this problem.
A Tip: If your hair is dry, try the following home remedy. Makes a mixture with a whole egg, two teaspoons of cider vinegar and a glass of water. Use it as shampoo and anjuagalo with plenty of water to which you should add a few drops of lemon.
oily or combination, it is the question
If three days after the last lavdo scalp rubs his fingers and are bright and oily, your hair is oily. If additional tips are dry, then mixed. Of course, a very bright hair, greasy-looking apelmazadfo must follow a specific treatment and meet daily with some care. For its part, the dryness of the tips should be solved with the use of moisturizers and nutrients to the damaged area.
When Fatty
use a specific shampoo grease to regulate excess sebum. But, from time to time, rest stops washing her hair with soft unchampú. On the other hand, lotions and masks to work seborregulador perfeccción shock treatment.
What to avoid: When washing your hair, not scalp fotes too, 'cause the sebaceous glands are activated. Also regular brushing should be avoided. The hairstyle is preferable to use a comb or soft brush credas. With regard to drying, it must be borne in mind that excessive heat and permanent harmful effects. And when it comes to food, it is necessary to reduce consumption of fats and sugars.
Tip: It is not advisable to use hair products that give shine to hair to not even pronounce their natural tendency to look oily. Nor is it advisable to use some clips that have a wet effect. Finally, should never have dirty hair, 'cause besides being unsightly further emphasizes the problem of fat.
Trick: After normal wash, rinse hair with vinegar or lemon juice is a good way to combat oily hair. We recommend using a lemon squeezed into a bowl of water for light hair and a tablespoon of vinegar to the dark. Both have binding power, ie, they can "dry" and close the pores, preventing the discharge of fat. As the lemon and vinegar all-natural ingredients, there is no danger that the scalp shows problems of intolerance.
Joint Use a gentle shampoo for hair or a mixed and, above all, apply conditioner only at the tips. On the other hand, do not abuse or the dryer or irons, hot rollers or curling tong. When the ends are very damaged cut is sometimes the only solution.
What to avoid: Often, because of the state of the tips, is confused mixed with dry hair and apply the wrong treatment. The result can be more daunting: there is no genuine improvement and hair condition worsens. Hya be rejected styling product containing alcohol, as it absorbs the low-fat tips still have.
Hint: It contributes to the brittle paint and battered the nutientes they need. There serums and concentrates high power repair the structure and restore the hair fiber cuticle ends. Just a small amount and massage gently. Do not rinse.
Trick: There is a home formula to make a mask effective remedial action for very dry ends: Mix two egg yolks with a tablespoon of honey and apply the paste on the ends and gently massage. Similarly, to remove excess fat in the roots can apply the juice of half a lemon (for light hair) or a tablespoon vinegar (dark hair) diluted in a bowl of water.
A healthy hair can withstand a weight ranging between 50 and 100 grams and before the break, stretching from 20 to 30%. To check the health of your hair, you can pluck one and tied at its end a weight of 50 grams, 75 and finally 100. If you find that it breaks easily, with virtually no stretch, is that the health of your hair is impaired.
Until next entry .. Thanks for visiting! Bss