laargo After a time without writing, for several reasons but mainly because of my studies for exams, partial, practical and all I referred to the academic world. I return to the blogger world, so much missed, to discuss an issue that concerns us tod @ s : Hair!

- Washing: Before washing your hair, you have to carefully detangle with a wide tooth comb, starting at the ends. water should be warm or lukewarm, never hot because it can damage the hair. Place a small amount of shampoo in her hand applying all over the scalp, distributing well. Massage with fingertips to better remove dirt and stimulate circulation blood. Do not forget the entry area and the base of the neck which is where most fat is stored.
- Rinse: No need to keep in chanpu long hair, because it can cause irritation, about 1 minute is sufficient. It is important to rinse in a downward direction to avoid harming the hair.
- Conditioner: Use hair conditioner used to neutralize the pH of the hair and facilitate desenrredado. Place a small amount of product in the palm of your hand. after rubbing with both hands, gently apply, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tips. If you comb before rinsing, this will help extend the acondicioandor. Let stand for 1 minute before rinsing. And finally, one last blast with cold water is ideal to remove all traces of conditioner and close the hair scales.
- Drying: Wrap all of your hair with a towel and proceed to massage the scalp with suvidad until hair is almost dry. If after towel drying want to use the dryer must be remembered that the air dryer must not be too hot because it can shut down your natural glow. When using dryers, should be directed to base Pontes. Should not dry your hair completely, this will prevent the scalp from overheating.
- Hairstyle: To untangle is to use a widely spaced tooth comb. Never pull hair, you may crush. There are a variety of brushes and combs distibtas functions. So is adequate in a round brush for blow-drying and comb spiked hair is ideal for recessed. Avoid excessive brushing, plus elctrizar can damage the hair.

And now to look spectacular hair! Pending next entry! Thanks for your visit and comments! Bss